A camera, specifically a Canon T1i, became the catalyst for my creative voice now five years later. Just like the plants and animals I photograph, I’ve evolved. Am not just a skilled birder anymore. Have over 70,000 photography/video files on my hard drive documenting birds, butterflies, dragonflies, fungi, lichen and wildflowers. My next step (it be slow in coming :-)... use these materials on a Adobe Muse designed website. Can you identify with my journey, so far?
I'm pretty proud of my social media efforts on Google+ (www.google.com/+BobDanley). For sure, it is just scratching the surface on potentiality, but I am climbing the pyramid of self-actualization. Loving the Adobe journey with an objective of: a) be a catalyst for folks to engage wildlife on whatever level b) inspire a Leopoldian land ethic c) get kids outside and d) provoke fun.